How I can save money on home remodeling and repairing?
Have you ever asked yourself that?
I believe you did, so as hundreds of homeowners out there including myself. It can get really overwhelming and frustrating dealing with different companies and subcontractors, especially, when you know nothing or very little about construction.
However if something has to be done around the house, otherwise it cost you and your family a lot of discomfort and money waist, majority of us forget to do a proper research.
Especially, if we are talking about some of the most important and the most expensive parts of the house, windows.
Advertisement and professionals tell us to replace old windows and by doing so you are:
- Making a wise financial investment in your house;
- Being “Green” – saving energy;
- Making your house easier to sell by improving the appearance;
I’m sorry, but you have been fooled.
Total window replacement was created to take your money and have nothing to do points describe up about. Often homeowner’s they need window replacement because nowadays window industry spends tens of millions of dollars a year to convince them to buy their interior products.
Let me explain.
Your bills won’t go down as much as the window salesman promised. In fact, your new replacement windows will save you so little money on your energy bills that the payback period for this investment may be more than 100 years — far longer than the new windows are likely to last.
You can repair old wood windows and save money. Excess paint and broken pulley systems are the most common problems with wood windows, but they are really easy fix. Stripping and refinishing the wood, as well as replacing the rope in the pulley system with a chain, will give your wood window long life.
Rotted wood doesn’t necessarily mean window death.Window repair specialist can usually fix bad part of your window, and it is going to look and perform like new. Properly maintained wood windows and storm windows work together like the two pieces of glass in a double-pane window.
As well if you add weather stripping to wood windows and storm windows, it is possible to achieve similar energy ratings of double-pane replacement windows. Of course, if your windows were neglected you may consider window replacement, but do yourself a favor and, meet with window repair specialist in your area to discuss what can be done.
Remember you can’t fix vinyl windows, when they broke in 5-10 years you will have to replace them again, but you can always fix wood windows and they can work years.
Give us a call @ 224 – 300 – 0266 so we can help you with your windows today!

We can help elevate your specific window or door issues and provide you with the best and most affordable solution that works. Ardmor provides you with the following advantages: