

About andrii

Andrii Melnyk is the manager of ARDMOR, Inc.

Foggy Glass Replacement in Montgomery, PA

2019-04-07T18:35:47-04:00Categories: Glass Replacement|Tags: , , |

This is no way to look out at the world, through a blurry, mottled window. Worse than that, the dirty-looking glass makes the inside of the home look dingy. And even worse than that, the window is no longer providing the insulation necessary to keep the home energy efficient.

An insulating glass unit (IGU) is composed of two panels of glass separated by a spacer and sealed together at the edges. The sealed space between the two panels may be a vacuum or may be filled with a gas (usually argon or krypton). That sealed space in the primary means […]

Check Your Window Screens Regularly

2019-02-27T13:49:56-05:00Categories: Window Screens|Tags: , , |

If you are living in a region where the sun shines a little too bright or an area that suffers from severe humidity, then you surely have a lot to worry about. Hot and bright sunrays penetrating your windows will not only increase the temperature but also affect your furnishings (How you wonder?). Well exposing your fabric sofa or plastic decorative to direct sunlight will fade its color in the long run. How would your sofa look with one side faded and the other intact? Funny right? And you surely don’t want that to happen, which is why you […]

Should I repair or replace Wood Windows?

2018-08-01T19:22:54-04:00Categories: Wood Windows Repair|Tags: , , |


Wooden windows have always been the most popular choice for homeowners adding value to their property with personalized features and custom specification. Moreover, these have been considered throughout history as a great architectural detail in any home or building. Unsurprisingly, whether it is a wooden window or glass door, everything bears wear and tear of daily use. However, in cases of metallic and glass-made windows, most of the times they require replacement. On the contrary, in 90% of all wood windows, they can be repaired keeping its artistic features and majestic attributes as they were in its new condition.  […]

It’s almost Spring- Time to check your Windows and Doors for Repair

2018-08-01T19:22:55-04:00Categories: Maintenance|Tags: , |

As we bid goodbye to the cold wintery winds and embrace the fresh spring breeze, it’s time to check the safety features of your house for possible windows repair. Your home needs periodical inspections for eradicating the maintenance issues and spring is the ideal time to do so. It is of extreme importance that you perform a thorough check to ensure that your windows and doors are in working order after the possible impairments caused by the winter season.

Your doors and windows can act as possible entry points for undesirable moisture and air leaks. Moreover, windows and doors can […]

Window Condensation Solutions

2018-08-01T19:22:55-04:00Categories: Windows Help|Tags: , , |

Short Term Solutions

  1. Open the windows and doors. High humidity is often caused by a hyperventilation or poor air circulation. Opening a window or door will change this.
  2. Turn down the heat. Keeping your home cooler will reduce the temperature difference between the air and the glass. Try to keep the temperature between 66 to 68 degrees.
  3. Minimize your cooking times and turn on a fan when cooking.
  4. Turn on the exhaust fan in your bathroom when showering and take shorter showers with cooler water.
  5. Check that your clothes dryer is properly vented to the outside and not the attic. Try to make the vent ducts […]

Do Replacement Windows Save Money? True Story.

2018-08-01T19:22:55-04:00Categories: Wood Windows Repair|Tags: , , , , |

How I can save money on home remodeling and repairing?

Have you ever asked yourself that?

I believe you did, so as hundreds of homeowners out there including myself. It can get really overwhelming and frustrating dealing with different companies and subcontractors, especially, when you know nothing or very little about construction.

However if something has to be done around the house, otherwise it cost you and your family a lot of discomfort and money waist, majority of us forget to do a proper research.
Especially, if we are talking about some of the most […]

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